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Your support will go towards UPLIFTING & AMPLIFYING Black producers and the stories they tell as we continue our pursuit of FAIR, EQUITABLE and TRUE REPRESENTATON in the Canadian film, tv, digital media and music industries.
Independent Media Producers Association of Creative Talent - I.M.P.A.C.T. - is a national, member-based non-profit organization intentionally created to combat systemic racism, break down barriers and open the gates for producers who are of Afro descent and who identify as Black, of all intersectional identities. Our mission is to build a world that empowers producers of Afro descent and those who identify as Black producers to bring their stories to international markets, grow their businesses and realize sustainable careers.
I want to find out more, send me the monthly NEWSLETTER.
As we do not have a charitable designation, if you require a charitable tax receipt click on the button below and please complete the fillable form.
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